LAD #38: Truman Doctrine

Following World War II, America became troubled with the spread of communism. trying to "contain" communism, aptly called the policy of containment, Truman spoke with Congress in the Truman Doctrine. He advised that the United States aid Greece, which had been destroyed and was suffering political and economic instability after the war. Knowing this, Truman urged for political and financial installments for Greece to restore their nation. Also, Greece was at risk because of communist activities, so Truman was concerned since this made them vulnerable and threatened the nation. Truman also recognized that Turkey was unstable as well and required attention and work in order to preserve the order in the Middle East. Truman requested Congress' permission to loan Greece and Turkey a specific amount of money and be able to send American civilian and military personnel. All of these efforts caused the start of attempts to prevent the rise of totalitarian regimes in these count...