Although Calhoun was too ill to actually deliver the speech, he addressed the disunity of the Country in regards to the North and South in his speech on the compromise of 1850. He states that the union is in danger because of discontent in the South and that so far efforts to preserve the union have been unsuccessful. One of the causes of discontent is slavery, which, due to the imbalance in Congress, has also caused discontent since the North became dominant. Also, since the North was viewed as wealthier, land and revenue caused distress in the South. So to appease the South, Calhoun says the United States must give them an equal right to territory and slaves. Despite, Calhouns efforts the Compromise of 1850 was still implicated.
Lincoln was a prominent figure in the Civil War, and also advised against succession, but when the South seceded he fought to uphold a union. |
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