LAD/Blog #13: Polk's War Message

Polk's War message focuses on the urgency of cementing relations with Mexico. Polk says that the United States intends to establish friendly relations with them and adjust the boarders. In an attempt to do just that, Polk asks to send an envoy over-John Slidell. The Mexican government agreed so they could discuss the injustices to the American people, which became a question of boundaries. Even though the envoy intended to create pleasant relations with Mexicans, tendons caused the overthrowing of the Mexican government. Polk sent the military to prevent Mexican invasion and after refusing to retreat the Mexican army invaded. Pols states that the two countries are in war, but the war was the fault of the Mexicans.
The Civil War was also started due to sectionalism, the civil war began  due to a threat of a spilt in union, and the American Mexican war started because of Mexico's invasion of United States territory. 


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